Tuesday 16 April 2013

Bye Pepper

On Sunday it was dinner at my parents. The hubby had work to do and refused.
I was 5 days post op for my surgery.

i had to go. i had to go say bye to Pepper.

19(?) year old Pepper. Lovely, sweet Pepper, that chewed and chewed and destroyed and ate our kitchen furniture (all three chairs and the table legs and corners...), my trainers, my brand new Oasis hat, till she was, oh, 7? 8?
We thought she would never 'calm down' and stop being a puppy.

And today, my parents took her to the vet to be put to sleep.
For 2 years we've watched her decline, drop weight, eat less, ignore us through deafness.

I'm sure in the past year she's had no clue who i am, she's run away and hid from me on my frequent visits, shook when she saw me.
Mum was hoping she'd go on her own, just fall asleep and never wake up...

But she didnt. She's too stubborn for that -but she could hardly stand, barely walk, she could barely even see, yet she just kept going.

This past 6 or 8 weeks its just gotten too much, doing her business inside the house, instead of out, falling over more, i think she's fallen into her food 2 or 3 times, so i've been told by mum.

It isn't fair.

It isn't fair to keep her going, and it isn't fair we had to put her down, either way, it isn't fair.

I'm crying now and its hard to see the keys, but i know. I know it's for the best. She can't suffer any more, and that's okay. It's not okay, but it's okay.

RIP Sgt. Pepperoni Pepsi Max, love you, go play with Lady and Floss x x

1 comment:

Jill @BabyRabies said...

I'm so sorry for your loss :( It never is fair, no matter how you look at it.

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