Thursday 10 January 2013

Bad Dream

I just had a crazy dream. Very mission impossible. Infact Tom Cruise was in it at the start. We were.taking over a building with 2 fake bombs, all noise, no damage, 3 of us were secreted in rooms on the second floor. Tom cruise and the others had by then left to listen in and watch from a distance. The bombs were meant to go off within 60 seconds. The bomb I planted on the floor below went off. The second... Didn't. Questioning to my earpiece and getting radio silence I came out of my room, the woman that plays Rizzoli from the tv show was also just coming out of hers and our 3rd down the landing. No bang. I look over the bannister and see boxes on the floor below. Lots of boxes. They were not there ten mins ago. Shit! There's a noise. We drop to the floor. The lights go out. As the shutters and doors are shut this means its v. dark. I see shadows. A lot of shadows. 20 or so people with rifles are heading up the stairs. I see a red dot. I'm seen. I move, shoot, we shoot, they shoot, we're failing, they can see us dark against the white skirting boards. I'm shot in the right leg and stomach, I think its hit a rib. Girl to my right is unmoving. Girl to my left is still but I can hear her pained breathing. Where the fuck is the rest of the team? Why are we being assassinated?

1 comment:

LittleDreamGirl said...

I had a bad dream last night as well! I was staying in this creepy old converted farmhouse and had my friends dog with me, I was trying to sleep but the dog was going crazy barking at an open doorway and then this ghost came out of it. scary! x

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