Monday 9 May 2011


due to a friends blog post, and from personal experience, im making post 400 special

if you can, i know some people cant, please consider organ donation sign up.

J over at dayoldnews has just lost a close friend to CF, her friend had a lung transplant that helped her live life that little bit longer.
my aunt died on my birthday a couple of years back, the day i got engaged. my uncle put her forward for organ donation and we learned that even her corneas and skin would be put down to good use, as well as every organ that you would usually think of.

i personally felt it was something i HAD to do for my aunt, and it can really really make a difference.

imagine you'd had an accident, you were terribly burnt, there would be skin available for a transplant, it helps your skin grown underneath it, an protects the flesh in the meantime.

imagine you had a problem with your eyes, needing a cornea transplant, you could have someone elses to help you see.

 now imagine you were in a car accident and died, if there was no hope for you and you were on life support, your organs were viable, wouldn't you want someone else to benefit from the body you no longer have use for?

thanks for reading. if you are interested, just type it into google and sign up. thanks :)

1 comment:

Felicia said...

I've been a donor since I got my license! I can't take them with me and if they could help someone live...What reason could you have not to?
Currently there is a 10yr old girl in Collin's school who needs a new heart :( It's so ( excuse the pun ) but heartwrenching. I couldn't imagine my child needing a heart.

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